One Wishlist.
Infinite Products.

Simplify shopping with GimmeThat, your universal wishlist. Save anything you want to buy from any store worldwide. An extension for Chrome & other browsers.

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GimmeThat: a universal wishlist extension for Chrome, Edge & other browsers.

That new phone.

When you want it one day, GimmeThat remembers it.

Tired of forgetting things you want to buy? Too many open tabs and bookmarked product pages? Try GimmeThat!

GimmeThat is a universal wishlist that lives in your browser. It's a browser extension that lets you save anything you want to buy from any store worldwide. All your favorites in one handy wishlist: see them with one click. Save time & stay organized while shopping.

Adding the GimmeThat wishlist extension puts a button next to your browser's address bar

Add GimmeThat to Chrome

GimmeThat is a browser extension that puts a handy button next to your browser’s address bar. The install is easy, and there's a quick guide to get you started. Add to Chrome with the button below.

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Save your favorites from any store to your universal wishlist

Save Your Favorites From Any Store

We’ve connected with stores worldwide so you can track your favorites. Click 'Gimme That' to save those cool shoes or new phone you want - but aren't quite ready to buy.

Your universal wishlist - see it with one click

See Your Universal Wishlist Instantly

Click the GimmeThat button next to your browser's address bar. You’ll see all your saved products right away. Ready to buy something? Click on the product and you'll go straight to its store page.

Connected to your favorite stores across the world. Like Target, Amazon, Gap and many more…

'Safe & private' badge

Safe & Private

Your wishlist is safe with us. Our secure cloud servers keep your favorites away from prying eyes!

'No ads' badge

Zero Ads

Ads while shopping - what could be more annoying? We take a hard line and say ‘no way, Jose’.

'100% free' badge

100% Free

We make a small commission from our e-commerce partners - so you can save your money for your next buy!

Never forget a favorite with GimmeThat.

Ready to make your own universal wishlist?

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Your Questions Answered

What is GimmeThat?

GimmeThat is a universal wishlist that lives right in your web browser. It's a browser extension that lets you save anything you want to buy from any store worldwide. All your favorites in one handy wishlist: see them with one click.

What are the benefits for me?

You will:
  • Save time & stay organised while shopping. See everything you want in one wishlist, with just one click. No more endless tabs and bookmarked product pages. Adding stuff to your wishlist is super quick and easy.
  • Never lose your wishlist. We keep your wishlist safe in the cloud for easy access.
  • Keep things personal. Your wishlist stays private and secure at all times.

How do I install and use GimmeThat?

First, add the GimmeThat universal wishlist extension from the Chrome Web Store. It's easy, and there's a quick guide to get you started. On install, you'll see a handy 'GimmeThat' button next to your browser's address bar. Click the button to view your wishlist, and save anything you want.

Does GimmeThat work in my browser?

GimmeThat works in Chrome, Edge, Opera, Brave, and other browsers based on Chromium. It does not work in Firefox and Safari right now. But we do work to make things better, so watch out for updates.

How do I save something to my wishlist?

Found a product you want? Click the GimmeThat button when on the product's store page. GimmeThat works its magic and grabs all the product's details. You can fix things easily if needed. The product is now saved to your wishlist for later.

Can I save products from any store?

Yes. You can add products from any store worldwide - GimmeThat is a universal wishlist! Whether it's a new phone, birthday presents for Dad, or those cool shoes you want, GimmeThat keeps track of it all.

Is GimmeThat free?

Yes. GimmeThat is free to use. And no annoying ads - we make money from affiliate links. We can earn a commission when you click on product links in your wishlist. We may offer paid accounts in future for extra features.

Is my data safe?

Yes. Keeping your data safe and private is top priority. We only store the data needed to work, like your email and products you save. We securely store all data on our cloud servers.

Can I use GimmeThat on my phone?

GimmeThat only works for desktop and laptop browsers right now. But we do work to make things better, so watch out for updates.

How can I get in touch?

If you have any questions, suggestions or problems, email us at [email protected]. We're here to help!

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